what is scripting

what is scripting

1 year ago 48

Scripting is a type of programming language that is used to manipulate, customize, and automate the facilities of an existing system. Scripting languages are usually interpreted at runtime rather than compiled, and their primitives are usually elementary tasks or API calls that can be combined into more complex programs. Scripting languages can be used to automate the execution of tasks, and they are simpler and often easier to learn than other programming languages.

Scripting is a way of providing instructions to a computer so that it can perform specific tasks. Programs can be designed to be interacted with manually by a user or programmatically using other programs. Scripting is a subset of coding, and scripting languages are a particular family of programming languages.

Scripting languages are used to automate processes that would otherwise need to be executed step-by-step by a web developer. They are used to give instructions to programs that are running on a computer, such as websites. Scripting languages are also used to build websites and web applications by linking together existing parts within a program.

Overall, scripting is a useful tool for automating tasks and providing instructions to a computer. It is a simpler and easier-to-learn subset of coding that can be used to build websites, automate processes, and extract information from datasets.

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