what is sdk and api

what is sdk and api

1 year ago 46

An SDK (Software Development Kit) is a set of software-building tools for a specific platform or programming language, including compilers, runtime environments, documentation, debuggers, and a framework or set of code libraries that are specific to the platform or language. It usually includes an API (Application Programming Interface) as well. An API is a software-to-software interface that provides a secure and standardized way for applications to talk to each other and deliver information or functionality to each other without user intervention. APIs are used to communicate between different applications, while an SDK is a toolkit to build applications and features.

In summary, the main differences between SDK and API are:

  • An SDK provides a complete development kit for software development for building applications for a specified platform, service, or language, while an API is used to facilitate communication between two platforms.
  • An SDK includes compilers, runtime environments, documentation, debuggers, and a framework or set of code libraries that are specific to the platform or language, while an API provides a secure and standardized way for applications to talk to each other and deliver information or functionality to each other without user intervention.
  • An SDK is a set of software-building tools for a specific platform or programming language that usually includes an API as well, while an API is a software-to-software interface that provides a secure and standardized way for applications to talk to each other and deliver information or functionality to each other without user intervention.
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