what is secular music

what is secular music

1 year ago 42

Secular music is music that is intended for a non-religious audience, while sacred music serves a particular religious purpose in both Catholic and Protestant traditions. It is one of the two main genres of Western music during the Middle Ages and Renaissance era, the other being sacred music. The oldest written examples of secular music are songs with Latin lyrics, but many secular songs were sung in the vernacular language, unlike the sacred songs that followed the Latin language of the Church.

Secular music includes a wide range of styles and trends that go in and out of favor depending on the period. Some examples of secular music include jazz, rock, and pop. However, the characteristics of secular music are not always easy to define, as they vary depending on the artist and the time period.

In determining whether or not to listen to secular music, there are three primary factors to consider: the purpose of music, the style of music, and the content of the lyrics. While secular music can be very entertaining and have catchy melodies, thoughtful insights, and positive messages, it can also often promote immorality and violence while belittling purity and integrity. Therefore, it is important to consider the content of the lyrics and whether they align with ones values.

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