what is self actualization

what is self actualization

1 year ago 36

Self-actualization is a concept in psychology that refers to the process by which an individual reaches their full potential. It is the highest level of psychological development in Maslows hierarchy of needs, where personal potential is fully realized after basic bodily and ego needs have been fulfilled. Self-actualization is the fulfillment of ones greatest potential, and it can only emerge as a motivator once a variety of more basic needs are met, such as physiological, safety, love, and esteem needs.

Self-actualization is a complex concept that has been studied by many psychologists. Some characteristics of self-actualized people include:

  • Continued freshness of appreciation
  • Acceptance of oneself and others
  • Spontaneity
  • Problem-centeredness
  • Autonomy
  • Peak experiences
  • Human kinship
  • Humility and respect for others
  • Strong ethics
  • Creativity
  • Resistance to enculturation

Self-actualization is different for everyone, and not all individuals achieve all levels of the hierarchy throughout their lives. While Maslow believed achieving self-actualization is somewhat rare and posited that only about 1% of the adult population has self-actualized, current research shows this number may be higher.

Self-actualization can be explored in therapy, and it is an ongoing process of maintaining and enhancing the individuals self-concept through reflection, reinterpretation of experience, and other techniques. Essentially, self-actualization means a person is developing well-grounded self-worth for more unconditional positive regard, which in turn allows one to learn to leverage their abilities to a much greater degree at will.

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