Shiv Ganas are attendants of Lord Shiva and are described as distorted, demented beings. They were the ones who were always around him, and though they were not like human beings, they were his constant companions. The word "gana" in Sanskrit and Pali means "flock, troop, multitude, number, tribe, category, series, or class" and can also refer to a "body of attendants". In Hinduism, the Ganas are attendants of Shiva and live on Mount Kailash. Ganesha was chosen as their leader by Shiva, hence Ganeshas title gaṇeśa or gaṇapati, "lord or leader of the ganas".
In summary, Shiv Ganas are attendants of Lord Shiva who are often referred to as distorted, demented beings. They were always around Lord Shiva and were not like human beings. The word "gana" means "body of attendants" and in Hinduism, the Ganas are attendants of Shiva and live on Mount Kailash. Ganesha was chosen as their leader by Shiva.