Silvervine, also known as Actinidia polygama, is a climbing plant native to the mountainous regions of China, Japan, and Russia. It is a member of the kiwi family and gets its name from the silver-white marks on its leaves. Silvervine is a popular alternative to catnip for cats, as it contains nepetalactone and actinidine, which are two cat attractants that make the plant more potent than catnip. Silvervine has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine for a wide range of health problems, including hypertension, arthritis, and rheumatism. The plant is becoming increasingly popular as an edible fruit crop, and its fruit contains up to five times the amount of vitamin C that a black currant does. Silvervine sticks are also great for cats dental health, as they help knock tartar off their teeth. Silvervine is safe for cats to consume in moderation, and it is a great way to provide scent enrichment, fun, and stimulation for cats.