what is sled agency

what is sled agency

1 year ago 87

The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) is a statewide investigative law enforcement agency in South Carolina. Its primary mission is to provide quality manpower and technical assistance to law enforcement agencies and to conduct investigations on behalf of the state as directed by the Governor and Attorney General. SLED is made up of civilian employees and law enforcement officers that have many different specialties and areas of expertise. The major bureaus within SLED include Criminal Justice Information Services, Investigative Services, Forensic Services, Counter-terrorism/Tactical Services, and Regulatory Services. SLED provides manpower and technical assistance to other law enforcement agencies and conducts investigations on behalf of the state. It also operates the states forensics laboratory and maintains specialized tactical response units. In addition, SLED regulates the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in the state, licenses security guards, private investigators, and polygraph examiners, and oversees Governor-appointed and Commissioned State Constables. SLED Agents work cases involving all types of offenses, including crimes of violence, computer crimes, vehicle theft, child fatalities, and crimes against vulnerable adults. They also investigate officer-involved shootings, public corruption, insurance fraud, as well as narcotics and other crimes.

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