Snail mucin is a type of mucus produced by snails, which are gastropod mollusks. Snail mucin is naturally secreted by snails as a way for them to protect themselves, and it is packed with growth factors, antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid. The specific species used in most skincare today is Cryptomphalus aspersa, which is more commonly known as the garden snail. Snail mucin is used in skincare products because it has moisturizing and protective qualities that are good for the skin. It contains antioxidants that may help reduce signs of aging like wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and sagging. Studies indicate that snail mucin helps with skin regeneration and protects against damaging free radicals. Snail mucin has also been studied to improve skin texture and fine lines after daily usage for eight weeks. Snail mucin is collected in different ways, and some methods are friendlier than others. To produce a particular protective mucin, snails must be under stress. To stress the snails, they’re often poked with a stick or sprayed with a small amount of sodium chloride to start the secretion process.