what is snail secretion filtrate

what is snail secretion filtrate

1 year ago 54

Snail secretion filtrate, also known as snail mucin, is a mucus produced by snails. It is a popular ingredient in skincare products due to its potential benefits for the skin. Snail mucin is obtained through a non-harmful, patented process, refined and purified to create SCA Biorepair Technology used in Biopelle Tensage Growth Factor skincare. Some of the potential benefits of snail secretion filtrate in skincare include:

  • Hydration: Snail secretion filtrate provides hydration benefits to the skin.

  • Reduced inflammation: Snail secretion filtrate can help reduce skin inflammation.

  • Wound healing: Snail secretion has been used for millennia to treat wounds, burns, and other skin issues.

  • Anti-aging: Snail secretion filtrate can help promote healthy-looking skin as we age.

Snail mucin is used in various skincare products, such as gel masks and skin repair serums. It is sourced as a byproduct of the snails, not directly from the organisms, and is obtained through a non-harmful process. While some skin care trends are simply named after the thing they emulate, the snail mucin trend does actually involve the harmless mollusks.

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