Sob is a verb that means to cry or weep with convulsive catching of the breath, or to make a sound like that of a sob or sobbing. It can also be used as a noun to refer to an act of sobbing or a sound like that of a sob. In slang, it can be used as an abbreviation for "son of a bitch".
In medical terms, SOB is an acronym that stands for shortness of breath, also known as dyspnea.
Here are some examples of how the word "sob" can be used in a sentence:
- She began to sob uncontrollably when she heard the news.
- The child was sobbing in the corner after being scolded by his mother.
- He couldnt help but sob when he saw his long-lost friend.
- The movie was so sad that it made me sob.
- The patient complained of SOB, which was later diagnosed as a symptom of pneumonia.