Social policy in social work refers to the governments response to human needs such as food, housing, healthcare, employment, and other services and support that help ensure the health of a society and those who live in it. It is an interdisciplinary subject that draws upon elements of economics, history, politics, psychology, and sociology to analyze how societies respond to social problems and how they distribute resources to address social needs. Social policy aims to identify and find ways of reducing inequalities in access to services and support between social groups defined by socio-economic status, race, ethnicity, migration status, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and age, and between countries.
Social policy involves policies, administration of social service programs, public health, housing, income maintenance, education, and social work. It also deals with the issues of people who receive these services like old age, poverty, disability, and others. Social workers play an important role in carrying out and advocating for social programs, helping individuals and communities reach their potential by assisting those facing challenges, such as those related to financial and health concerns. Social workers may deliver these services directly, or they may refer clients to programs that can help.
In summary, social policy in social work is concerned with the ways societies across the world meet human needs for security, education, work, health, and wellbeing. It involves policies, administration of social service programs, public health, housing, income maintenance, education, and social work. Social policy aims to identify and find ways of reducing inequalities in access to services and support between social groups and between countries. Social workers play an important role in carrying out and advocating for social programs, helping individuals and communities reach their potential by assisting those facing challenges.