In the Dune series, spice, also known as melange, is a naturally produced awareness spectrum narcotic that is a fundamental block of commerce. It is a highly addictive substance that is found only on the planet Arrakis, colloquially known as Dune. Spice is created during the life cycle of giant subterranean sandworms native to Arrakis, and is a by-product of their fungal secretions mixing with the water hidden miles beneath the surface. Spice is used throughout the galaxy as a highly addictive psychoactive drug, and is also used by mystical orders such as the Bene Gesserit to achieve heightened states of awareness and prescience. The substance is also used to enhance interstellar travel, as it allows pilots to see into the future and guide ships through space. Because spice is only found on Arrakis, it is considered one of the rarest commodities in the universe and is a symbol of wealth and status outside of Arrakis. The control and acquisition of spice drives much of the conflict in the Dune series, and the phrase "He who controls Spice, controls the universe!" is often used to emphasize its importance.