Spot cleaning is a process of cleaning a specific area of a product or surface that has a stain or dirt without washing the entire product or surface. Spot cleaning is often used for delicate fabrics or intricate clothing, such as a beaded dress, where washing the entire product may damage it. Spot cleaning can also be used to remove stains from clothes, upholstery, and carpets. Spot cleaning is done by using the right cleaning products for different types of stains and fabrics and must be done correctly to prevent creating a bigger disaster. The process of spot cleaning involves treating only the part of the garment or surface that has a stain on it, confining the stain to a small area, and keeping it from spreading. Spot cleaning can be done using appropriate tools and chemicals for the surfaces to be cleaned, such as natural soap/detergent that is SABS approved and with neat mops. Spot cleaning can save the moment, but eventually, the product or surface should be thoroughly cleaned by washing or dry cleaning.