An SSID stands for Service Set IDentifier and is the name assigned to a Wi-Fi network when a router is set up. It is a sequence of characters that uniquely names a Wi-Fi network and is used as an identifier. When a user attempts to connect their device to a Wi-Fi network, they see a list of all available Wi-Fi networks and use the SSID as a name to identify the particular network they want to use. SSIDs are usually customizable and can be zero to 32 octets (32 bytes) long). They are often in a natural language, such as English, for convenience).
To find the SSID on different operating systems, follow these steps:
- Windows: Click on the Wi-Fi icon located on the bottom right corner and it will open a list of available networks (SSIDs). An SSID you are connected to is shown at the top of the window.
- macOS: Click on the Wi-Fi icon located on the upper right corner to open a list of available networks (SSIDs). An SSID you are connected to is shown at the top of the window.
- iOS: Go to Settings > Wi-Fi. The SSID of the network you are connected to is listed next to "Wi-Fi".
- Android: Go to Settings > Wi-Fi. The SSID of the network you are connected to is listed under "Network name".
It is important to note that an SSID is simply a network name that is used as an identifier. Most Wi-Fi networks also enable some sort of security, usually a WPA2 or WPA3 protocol, and users will need to get the password or key for the network in order to connect to it.