Star rating in a refrigerator is a measure of its energy efficiency. It is a score between one and five, with five being the most energy-efficient. The higher the star rating, the more energy-efficient the refrigerator is, and the more it can help reduce electricity bills in the long run. The star rating is only available for frost-free and single door refrigerators. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) in India gives a rating to a refrigerator to show how energy-efficient it is. The EER rating standard in India is called ISEER (Indian Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) . The ISEER rating is calculated based on the extreme temperature variance through the seasons. The power savings label on refrigerators has the ISEER (star) ratings mentioned on them. The ratings are annually revised, so the least-efficient refrigerators are replaced by more efficient ones. The energy star rating is a trusted symbol backed by the government that shows the devices energy-saving efficiency. It is primarily used to reduce the emission of different pollutants like greenhouse gas from the appliance and save the environment. By this label, one can compare the energy-saving capacity of their device with other models.