what is stool sample

what is stool sample

1 year ago 42

A stool sample is a diagnostic tool used by healthcare providers to find out why a person is having stomach issues. It can detect bacteria, viruses, and other germs in the stool that can make a person sick. Healthcare providers use stool tests to help diagnose gastrointestinal diseases and colon cancer. Stool tests can also look for other signs, like hidden blood, that signal something’s wrong. A GP or another healthcare professional, such as a nurse, should explain how to collect the sample. In most cases, a person will be able to collect their stool sample at home. The healthcare provider will give them everything they need, including a specimen container with their name and birthdate. The person will need to label the container with their name, date of birth, and the date. They will then need to collect their stool sample and place it into the container. The sample should be fresh and handed in as soon as possible, as sometimes it cant be analyzed after being refrigerated.

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