what is street cruising

what is street cruising

1 year ago 39

Cruising is a social activity that primarily consists of driving a car). It is distinguished from regular driving by the social and recreational nature of the activity, which is characterized by an impulsively random, often aimless course). A popular route or "strip" is often the focus of cruising). Cruising can be an expression of the freedom of possessing a drivers license, and "cruise nights" are evenings during which cars drive slowly). Cruising culture was an evolution of old traditions of strolling down Main Street or around the town square). Although cruising was predominantly boys showing off their cars (ostensibly to meet girls), groups of girls joined in cruising as well). One appeal of cruising was that youths could evade the supervision of parents and family).

However, cruising has also been associated with illegal activities such as drug dealing and the use of stolen or otherwise illegal cars). Police have been using ASBO laws to seize and impound cars if anti-social behavior is taking place or if a group refuses to disperse from an area). As a result of increased police powers, legal cruises have been established, although these tend to resemble car shows with camping, music stages, and trade stalls). Illegal cruising continues, as many cruisers find the passive, organized nature of legal cruises unsatisfying).

Cruising is defined as the repetitive driving of any motor vehicle past a traffic-control point in traffic which is congested at or near the traffic-control point. Anti-cruising signs are generally in bar and shopping districts and only enforced when it becomes a problem. Cruising can cause traffic congestion, making it hard for non-cruisers and emergency vehicles to get in and out. It can also create conflicts between cruisers, littering, noise, traffic crashes, vandalism, and unintentional property damage.

In some areas, cruising is illegal, and violating anti-cruising ordinances can result in penalties. However, cruising is also a pastime largely confined to downtown areas, and sanctioned cruising can provide an economic boost to the community. It allows people to socialize, show off their vehicles, and provides something to do for people who are too young to go to bars or engage in other adult-only activities.

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