what is strong against ice type pokemon

what is strong against ice type pokemon

1 year ago 38

Ice-type Pokemon are weak against several types of moves and Pokemon, including:

  • Fire: Fire-type moves and Pokemon are super effective against Ice-type Pokemon. Examples of Fire-type Pokemon that are good against Ice-type Pokemon include Rapidash, Magmar, Cinderace, Heatran, Emboar, and Magcargo.

  • Fighting: Fighting-type moves and Pokemon are super effective against Ice-type Pokemon. Examples of Fighting-type Pokemon that are good against Ice-type Pokemon include Lucario, Blaziken, Infernape, and Machamp.

  • Rock: Rock-type moves and Pokemon are super effective against Ice-type Pokemon. Examples of Rock-type Pokemon that are good against Ice-type Pokemon include Gigalith, Tyranitar, and Rhyperior.

  • Steel: Steel-type moves and Pokemon are super effective against Ice-type Pokemon. Examples of Steel-type Pokemon that are good against Ice-type Pokemon include Klinklang, Lucario, and Empoleon.

Its important to note that some Ice-type Pokemon have a secondary type that can make them resistant to some of these moves. For example, an Ice/Water-type Pokemon would be resistant to Fire-type moves. Its also important to consider a Pokemons moveset and secondary type when selecting a counter Pokemon.

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