what is subordinate court

what is subordinate court

1 year ago 46

Subordinate courts are lower courts that function below and under the high court at district and lower levels. They are so-called because of their subordination to the state high court. The state judiciary consists of a high court and a hierarchy of subordinate courts. The subordinate courts are established under Article 169 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and include the Magistrates Courts, Kadhis Courts, Court Martial, Small Claims Court, and any other court or local tribunal as may be established by an Act of Parliament.

In India, subordinate courts are one of the several courts that are beneath the High Court in rank and serve as the latter’s assistant. The High Court has direct supervision over the subordinate courts. The subordinate judiciary in India is made up of all the other courts, save the High Court, and is listed as Subordinate Courts. The Subordinate Courts are an important part of Indian Polity and an important subject in UPSC Syllabus.

The Subordinate Courts are organized and structured in a hierarchy, with each court having distinct powers and responsibilities, as well as a different method of operation. The relevant state determines the Subordinate Court’s authority, makeup, and terminology. The Supreme Court is the highest court. According to the types of cases they examine, subordinate courts are often divided into three classes, including Civil Subordinate Court.

In Brunei Darussalam, the Subordinate Courts Act was established to provide for the appointment of coroners, to amend and consolidate the law relating to the constitution, jurisdiction, and powers of the subordinate courts and the administration of justice therein. The Act established Courts of Magistrates as the subordinate courts in Brunei Darussalam.

In summary, subordinate courts are lower courts that function below and under the high court at district and lower levels. They are so-called because of their subordination to the state high court. The subordinate courts are established under Article 169 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and include the Magistrates Courts, Kadhis Courts, Court Martial, Small Claims Court, and any other court or local tribunal as may be established by an Act of Parliament.

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