what is supination of the foot

what is supination of the foot

1 year ago 45

Supination of the foot, also known as underpronation, is a condition where the foot rolls outward during walking or running, causing the weight to be placed on the outer edges of the feet. It can be caused by having a naturally high-arching foot, muscle weakness in the calves, ankles, or feet, ill-fitting running shoes, improper gait, or previous injuries. Excessive supination can lead to back and hip pain, stress on the knee, ankle injuries, and inflammation of the sole. Here are some signs and symptoms of supination:

  • The outside of the heel of the foot hits the ground first when running or walking.
  • The foot does not sufficiently roll inward after landing, causing the force of impact to remain concentrated on the outer part of the foot.
  • Running shoes wear out quickly and unevenly, with more breakdown on the outer side of the shoe.

To diagnose supination, a medical professional can perform a gait analysis to identify where pressure is placed on the foot during walking or running. Treatment for supination may include wearing supportive insoles or shoes, doing exercises to strengthen and stretch the affected muscles and tendons, and correcting any underlying structural issues.

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