what is surface water drainage

what is surface water drainage

1 year ago 43

Surface water drainage refers to the process of collecting and disposing of rainwater from hard surfaces such as roads, driveways, and patios. It is important to have proper surface water drainage systems in place to prevent flooding and pooling of water on properties, which can lead to contamination and damage to crops and plants. There are different types of surface drainage systems, including natural and manufactured elements, that can be used to manage drainage issues. Some of the techniques used to manage surface water drainage include:

  • Detaining and infiltrating water: This involves capturing, detaining, and allowing stormwater infiltration from the surface into the native soils below or to an underdrain. This reduces potential flooding and erosion as well as facilitates contaminant removal.

  • Conveying water: This involves moving water quickly from one place to another. Drainage ditches are an example of this technique, but they provide little to no water quality treatment.

  • Dispersing water: This involves spreading water over a larger area to reduce the concentration of water in one place. Downspout dispersion, sheet flow dispersion, and concentrated flow dispersion are some examples of this technique.

  • Infiltrating water in areas with traffic: This involves using permeable pavers or gravel grids to allow water to infiltrate into the earth or evaporate from the ground.

In the UK, it is the responsibility of homeowners to keep their drains clean and clear and their guttering in good condition as long as they are within the boundary of that property. Public drains that are not within a propertys boundary are the responsibility of water companies. Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) are becoming an essential infrastructure requirement to help mitigate storm overflows and groundwater pollution. SuDS are designed to mimic natural drainage and catchments and are typically applied as close to the water source as possible to manage potential flood risks, improve water quality, and ensure biodiversity in the environment.

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