what is surgical spirits used for

what is surgical spirits used for

1 year ago 38

Surgical spirit is a liquid that contains alcohol and is used for various purposes, including cleaning wounds or surgical instruments. It is mainly composed of alcohol and is also known as rubbing alcohol. Here are some of the uses of surgical spirit:

  • Cleaning wounds: Surgical spirit is used to clean wounds and prevent infection.

  • Hand sanitizer: It can be used to make hand sanitizer by mixing it with aloe vera gel.

  • Removing sticky residue: Surgical spirit can be used to remove sticky residue from surfaces.

  • Cleaning spectacles: It can be used to deep clean spectacles.

  • Cleaning venetian blinds: Surgical spirit can be used to clean venetian blinds.

  • Making mirrors shine: It can be used to make mirrors shine.

Surgical spirit is available in different compositions and strengths, and it is important to read the label and follow the instructions before using it. It should be used externally only and should not be ingested. It is also important to note that surgical spirit should not be used on open wounds or burns.

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