what is sutak in lunar eclipse

what is sutak in lunar eclipse

1 year ago 38

According to Hindu beliefs, Sutak is a certain inauspicious time before Surya Grahan and Chandra Grahan, during which the Earths atmosphere is contaminated, and extra precautions should be taken to avoid any harmful side effects due to contamination. During a lunar eclipse, Sutak is observed for 3 Prahars before the eclipse, which is equivalent to 9 hours before the actual start of the Chandra Grahan. The following are some of the customs that are followed during Sutak:

  • Abstaining from worship: During the Sutak period, which begins exactly nine hours before the eclipse, it is advisable to abstain from any form of worship, be it at temples or home.

  • Avoiding food: All types of food items, either solid or liquid, are prohibited during Sutak and Eclipse. Hence one should not eat during twelve hours before Solar Eclipse and during nine hours before Lunar Eclipse till Eclipse is over. However, for children, sick and old people, food limitation is restricted to only single Prahar or 3 hours.

  • Avoiding certain activities: Oil massage, drinking water, Mal-Mutra Visarjan, combing hair, brushing teeth, and involving in sexual activities are prohibited during Eclipse.

  • Discarding cooked food: It is advised to discard any cooked food, and only freshly cooked food should be consumed after the Eclipse. The food items like wheat, rice, other cereals, and pickles which cannot be discarded should be protected by adding Kusha grass or Tulasi leaves.

  • Making offerings: Once the Eclipse is over, one should take a bath and make offerings or charity to Brahmins. Making offerings after Eclipse is considered highly beneficial.

It is important to note that Sutak is observed only when the Eclipse is visible at the place under discussion.

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