what is sva

what is sva

1 year ago 38

SVA can refer to different things depending on the context. Here are some possible meanings:

  • Shareholder Value Added (SVA): This is a measure of the operating profits that a company has produced in excess of its funding costs, or cost of capital. The basic calculation is net operating profit after tax (NOPAT) minus the cost of capital, which is based on the companys weighted average cost of capital. SVA is used by some investors to evaluate the performance of a company and its management team.

  • School of Visual Arts (SVA): This is a multidisciplinary art and design institution based in New York City that offers BFA, MFA, MA, MAT, and MPS degrees. SVA is known for its faculty of distinguished working professionals and innovative curriculum. It has archives that document the history of the college and provide source material for those who seek to evaluate the impact of its activities within the context of the institution as well as on the art and design communities at large.

  • Subject-Verb Agreement (SVA): This refers to the requirement that a subject and verb of a clause must match in person and in number. For example, when a writer uses a singular noun, he or she must use a singular verb, and when a writer uses a plural noun, he or she must use a plural verb.

In summary, SVA can stand for Shareholder Value Added, School of Visual Arts, or Subject-Verb Agreement, depending on the context.

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