Sweetbreads are a type of meat that comes from the thymus gland and pancreas of calves, lambs, and young cattle. They have a smooth texture and a mild, creamy flavor that is slightly gamey. Sweetbreads are categorized as offal, which refers to the "off-fall" or off-cuts from the carcass of an animal. They are often served as an appetizer or a main course and can be accompanied by a variety of sauces and side dishes. Sweetbreads can be prepared in many ways, such as grilled, braised, poached, or breaded and fried. They are often served with rich, creamy sauces like veloute or brown sauce. The name "sweetbread" is a bit misleading, as they are neither sweet nor bread. The origin of the name is unclear, but it may come from the fact that the thymus gland is sweeter and richer tasting than muscle flesh.