what is taa compliant

what is taa compliant

1 year ago 45

TAA compliance refers to the requirement that products listed on a GSA Schedule Contract must be manufactured or "substantially transformed" in the United States or a TAA designated country. The Trade Agreements Act (TAA) is the enabling statute that implements numerous multilateral and bilateral international trade agreements and other trade initiatives. To be TAA compliant, a product or service must be made or "substantially transformed" in the U.S. or a designated country. The designated TAA compliant countries include World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement Countries, Free Trade Agreement Countries, Least Developed Countries, and Caribbean Basin Countries. If a product originates from a designated country, it is considered "TAA compliant". To ensure TAA compliance, it is essential for MAS contract holders to pick the right manufacturer for their products and research any compliance issue with the TAA. Products and services must be TAA-compliant to qualify for General Services Administration (GSA) contracts. However, no governing body or third-party testing or auditing organization exists, and suppliers self-certify that their products and services meet TAA requirements.

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