what is tan number

what is tan number

1 year ago 36

Based on the search results, "TAN" can refer to two different things:

  1. Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number: This is a 10-digit alpha-numeric number issued by the Income Tax Department in India to persons who are required to deduct or collect tax on payments made by them under the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961. The TAN is required to be quoted in all TDS/TCS returns, all TDS/TCS payment challans, and all TDS/TCS certificates to be issued. TDS/TCS returns will not be accepted if TAN is not quoted, and challans for TDS/TCS payments will not be accepted by banks. Failure to apply for TAN or not quoting the same in the specified documents attracts a penalty of ₹10,000.

  2. Transaction Authentication Number: This is a one-time code used in the processing of online transactions to provide an additional layer of security beyond a password to securely log into an account or conduct a transaction. TANs are most commonly used in online transaction verifications. When an individual or business starts the transaction, it may be provided with the TAN in an email, in an SMS text message, or through another method. The delivery method has typically been authenticated beforehand through a previous interaction, such as a bank sending a text message confirming that a particular phone number is linked to an account. When a transaction is being conducted, the user will receive a message with the TAN code and will be required to enter it to complete the transaction.

Therefore, the term "TAN number" is not a specific term and can refer to either of the two meanings mentioned above.

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