what is taurus compatible with

what is taurus compatible with

1 year ago 44

Taurus is a zodiac sign that values stability, loyalty, and luxury in relationships. According to astrology, Taureans have varying levels of compatibility with each of the other signs of the zodiac, depending on the extent to which those signs possess some of the character traits that Taurus values. Here are some of the signs that are most compatible with Taurus:

  • Virgo: This earth sign is practical and grounded, like Taurus, and they can make a good match for Taureans in important ways.

  • Capricorn: Another earth sign, Capricorn is great at planning and can make Taurus a spiritual believer, opening them up to new philosophies.

  • Cancer: This water sign is known to be complementary to Taurus, and they can appreciate each others loyalty and intensity.

  • Scorpio: Sometimes opposites attract, and this is the case with Taurus and Scorpio. They both have a brooding underbelly and sensuous passions that want to merge completely with a partner.

  • Pisces: This water sign can appreciate Tauruss need for stability and luxury, and they can create a cozy and romantic partnership together.

Its important to note that astrological compatibility is more complicated than just Sun sign compatibility, since birth charts have multiple placements. However, Taurus tends to require support, consistency, and love from their relationships, and they can make it work with anyone who can teach them to compromise and wont take their stubborn nature too personally.

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