what is tawakkul in islam

what is tawakkul in islam

1 year ago 35

Tawakkul is an Islamic concept that means to rely on Allah or trust in Gods plan. It is a key teaching of Islam, and the number of Quranic verses and hadiths that speak about it signifies its importance. Tawakkul is not just about relying on Gods iradah (will) only, but it also means to respect and adhere to the causal law that God Himself created in the universe because God’s will does not happen in a magical manner. Tawakkul is a spiritual state or hal, and it is also considered a natural result of extreme zuhd, which can be described as being based on tawakkul or "trust in God alongside love of poverty".

Tawakkul can be applied by doing whatever we can and then leaving the rest to Allah. In other words, we put our effort into something, and then we trust that Allah will take care of it for us, even if something were to go wrong. The true meaning of tawakkul is that we do whatever we can, and then leave the rest to Allah. We can also apply tawakkul by performing actions to the best of our abilities and then relying on God for His justice, help, and beneficence.

Tawakkul is highly praised in Islamic traditions as the firm sign of ones faith, piety, and complete trust in God. It guarantees success in this world and the hereafter, no matter how difficult the task is or how severe and harsh the conditions one is going through in life or how powerful the enemies one is facing. Tawakkul means to fulfill all of ones duties and then to leave the result to Allah and to accept the result with reliance and consent.

In summary, tawakkul is a concept in Islam that means to rely on Allah or trust in Gods plan. It is a key teaching of Islam, and it is highly praised in Islamic traditions as the firm sign of ones faith, piety, and complete trust in God. Tawakkul can be applied by doing whatever we can and then leaving the rest to Allah, and it guarantees success in this world and the hereafter.

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