what is tbr in books

what is tbr in books

1 year ago 45

TBR stands for "to be read" and refers to a list of books that a person intends to read in a certain upcoming timeframe. A TBR list can include books that a person owns, books they want to buy and read, and/or all the books they hope to read in the next year or decade. A TBR pile, on the other hand, is an actual pile of books one intends to read rather than a list of titles.

A TBR list can be kept either digitally, in an app like Goodreads, or physically, with a pile or shelf of physical books. It is important to keep a TBR pile diverse by discovering new authors, writers from a wide variety of backgrounds, and authors of color, adding some books in translations, and a variety of genres.

Having a TBR list is essential for today’s reader, as it comes with a huge series of benefits. Some of the most important benefits of having a TBR list are that it helps readers waste little to no time between books, read more, avoid book hangovers, have more disciplined reading habits, and not forget the books they want to read. A TBR list can also help keep reading diverse and may help readers get out of their comfort zone.

To make a TBR list, one can use an app like Goodreads or create a list on paper. It is also possible to make a TBR jar, which is a fun way to help decide what to read next. To make a TBR jar, one writes down all the books on their to-be-read list on paper, cuts out each book title into a small scrap of paper, folds them, and places them all in a jar. When ready to start a new book, just reach into the jar and pull out a piece of paper.

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