what is tch

what is tch

1 year ago 38

THC stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the major psychoactive component and one of the 113 cannabinoids recognized in cannabis. THC is responsible for most of marijuanas psychological effects and acts much like the cannabinoid chemicals made naturally by the body. THC binds with receptors in the brain that control pain, mood, and other feelings, which is why it can make people feel euphoric and give them a so-called high. There has been an increasing number of case reports of cannabinoid-induced hyperemesis syndrome as the use of cannabis has become more widespread. Such a syndrome is characterized by intractable vomiting from chronic THC use. Another side effect or complication from chronic cannabis use is an amotivational syndrome, which clinically resembles depression with a lack of motivation.

It is important to note that THC is different from TCH, which stands for The Clearing House. TCH is a banking association and payments company owned by 20 of the worlds largest commercial banks.

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