what is telegram used for

what is telegram used for

1 year ago 99

Telegram is an instant messaging tool that allows users to send and receive messages from their contacts, even without sharing their phone number. It was created in 2013 by brothers Pavel and Nicolai Durov as an alternative way to communicate outside WhatsApp. Telegram uses a communications protocol known as MTProto that gives users the ability to open different sessions on multiple devices without being connected at the same time. Some of the things you can use Telegram for include sending messages, video files, voice notes, and much more using its own cloud. It also offers end-to-end encryption so no one else can know what you’re talking about. Telegrams core functionality is similar to most other messaging apps, such as messaging other Telegram users, creating group conversations, calling contacts, making video calls, and sending files and stickers. Telegram also has specific features that make it work differently from other chat apps, such as secret chats that are encrypted end-to-end and can only be accessed on the device used to initiate the chat. Telegram has an estimated 550 million monthly users.

In summary, Telegram is used for instant messaging, sending files, and making voice and video calls. It is known for its end-to-end encryption, multi-device sync, and fun stickers and other chat features. Telegram is also popular among users who prioritize privacy and security, as it offers secret chats that are encrypted end-to-end and can only be accessed on the device used to initiate the chat.

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