what is texas scramble in golf

what is texas scramble in golf

1 year ago 35

Texas Scramble is a popular team competition format in golf, consisting of 3 or 4 players per team. Here are the basic rules of Texas Scramble:

  • Each player tees off per hole.
  • As a group, you then decide which of the shots you should take.
  • Once youve decided which tee shot to take, all players retrieve their balls and take the second shot from the agreed position.
  • You then repeat the process with each shot until the ball is in the hole.
  • As a team, you only return one score per hole, and the lowest team score overall wins.

One of the main attractions of the format is that golfers with less ability can join in with little fear of embarrassment or of being a burden to other players. If a golfer’s drive goes out of play, for example, there is no issue - just choose one of the other two or three drives. However, there are many variations on the rules of Texas Scramble. For example, some formats require that a certain number of drives must be taken by each player in the team, typically three drives in a four-man team, or four in a three-man team. The aim of these modifications is to keep all players involved.

In Texas Scramble, the handicaps of the players are taken into account, but the format is designed to level the playing field. A team of four 20 handicappers only get 8 shots more than a team of scratch players, so it is recommended to have at least one low handicap player in the team.

In summary, Texas Scramble is a fun and relaxed way to play golf, where each team member hits a tee shot on every hole, and the best drive is chosen as the ball in play. Each team member then takes their second shot from where the best tee has landed, and the process repeats until the ball is in the hole. The team with the lowest total score at the end of the round is the winner.

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