what is the age cut off for the draft

what is the age cut off for the draft

1 year ago 38

The age cut off for the draft depends on the specific circumstances and laws in place at the time. If a draft were to be reinstated, the Selective Service System would conduct a National Draft Lottery to determine the order in which young men would be drafted. The lottery would establish the priority of call based on the birth dates of registrants. The first men drafted would be those turning age 20 during the calendar year of the lottery. Men turning 21 in the year of the draft would be second priority, men turning 22 would be third, and so on until a man turns 26, at which time he is over the age of liability. According to the Selective Service System, if a draft were held today, those who are 20 years old -- or turning 20 during the year in which the numbers are drawn -- would be the first to go. Beginning Jan. 1 of the year an eligible male turns 21, he would drop into the second priority category, and men born the following year would move into the priority group one. Each succeeding year, a draft eligible man drops into the next lower priority group until he has either been inducted or reaches the age of 26. After turning 26, men are no longer eligible to be drafted.

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