what is the average american salary

what is the average american salary

1 year ago 43

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median weekly earnings of full-time workers in the third quarter of 2023 was $1,118. However, Forbes Advisor reports that the average annual salary across the U.S. is $59,428. This figure is based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and includes both full-time and part-time workers. The average hourly rate nationwide is $28.34.

Its important to note that salaries can vary widely depending on factors such as occupation, age, gender, and location. Forbes Advisor provides a breakdown of average salaries by state, with Massachusetts, New York, and California having the highest average salaries. The Northeast has the highest regional average salary at $65,383, followed by the West at $60,579, the Midwest at $56,114, and the South at $54,718.

Other sources provide additional information on average salaries in the U.S. For example, The Motley Fool reports that the average U.S. household income in 2022 was $105,555. However, its important to note that the median household income is considerably lower than the average, with 50% of American households earning less than $75,000 per year and only 37% earning more than $100,000.

In summary, the average American salary is $59,428 per year, according to Forbes Advisor. However, salaries can vary widely depending on factors such as occupation, age, gender, and location.

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