There are several credit cards that can help you build credit, and the best one for you will depend on your specific needs and financial situation. Here are some of the best credit cards to build credit according to various sources:
- Chime Credit Builder Visa® Credit Card: Best for easy account management and guardrails
- Discover it® Secured Credit Card: Best for secured card with a clear upgrade path
- Capital One Platinum Secured Credit Card: Best for secured card with deposit flexibility
- OpenSky® Plus Secured Visa® Credit Card: Best for secured card with no credit check
- Prosper® Card: Best for no-deposit card for less than perfect credit
- Petal® 2 "Cash Back, No Fees" Visa® Credit Card: Best for building credit
- Discover it® Student Cash Back: Best for students looking to build a credit profile
- Mission Lane Visa® Credit Card: Best for no security deposit
- Citi® Secured Mastercard® Credit Card: Best for credit-building
When choosing a credit card to build credit, its important to look for a card that reports your payments to credit bureaus, as this is what will help you build credit over time. Additionally, secured credit cards can be a good option for those with no credit history or poor credit, as they require a deposit that acts as collateral and can help you establish credit.