what is the correct volume of air to deliver during bvm ventilations

what is the correct volume of air to deliver during bvm ventilations

1 year ago 127

The correct volume of air to deliver during bag-valve-mask (BVM) ventilation depends on the age of the patient. Here are the recommended volumes for different age groups:

  • Adult or child older than 8 years old: 500-600 milliliters
  • Children between 1 and 8 years old: 400-450 milliliters
  • Infants: 100-200 milliliters

Its important to note that the average volume of an adult BVM is 1600 milliliters, but it's recommended that only 1/3 of the bag be compressed to give a large enough tidal volume. For each breath, steadily and smoothly squeeze the bag to deliver a tidal volume of 6 to 7 mL/kg (or about 500 mL for an average size adult) over 1 second. Ventilating should be done with caution and only until chest rise is appreciated to reduce the risk of gastric insufflation, possibly causing vomiting and barotrauma from overdistention. Neither excessive force nor rapid insufflation should be used to ventilate; doing so increases gastric distention, compromising ventilation.

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