The Crucible is a 54-hour event that is the culminating event before becoming a Marine. It is a test that every recruit must go through to become a Marine, and it tests every recruit physically, mentally, and morally. The Crucible is designed to orient recruit training around realistic combat training scenarios. It is a severe test, or a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development. The event consists of eight major training events, including a day movement resupply, a combat assault course, a casualty evacuation, a reaction course, an unknown distance firing course, a night infiltration course, and a night march. In addition, groups complete Warrior Stations, which are team-building obstacles aimed at teaching teamwork, small unit leadership, problem-solving, and adaptability. The obstacles they face include long marches, combat assault courses, the leadership reaction course, and the team-building warrior stations. Each warrior station is named for a Marine hero whose actions epitomize the values the USMC wants recruits to adopt. The Crucible emphasizes trainee teamwork under stress, and each event has a number of "warrior stations" that the team of recruits must work together to overcome or solve. While food is limited, recruits are given Meals Ready to Eat (MREs), which are designed to provide the necessary nutrients to sustain the recruits during the event. The Crucible is a defining experience of recruit training, and it takes place over 54-hours and includes food and sleep deprivation and over 45 miles of marching.