There are many insects that can be dangerous to humans, but the deadliest insect is the mosquito. Mosquitoes are responsible for spreading a host of nasty diseases, including malaria, dengue, West Nile, yellow fever, Zika, chikungunya, and lymphatic filariasis. Malaria alone kills roughly 435,000 people worldwide every year. Mosquitoes have a special organ, the maxillary palp, which detects CO2 released from our breath, making them particularly adept at finding humans to bite. Other insects that are considered dangerous to humans include:
- Tsetse Fly: This fly is responsible for spreading sleeping sickness, which can be fatal if left untreated.
- Kissing Bug: This insect can transmit Chagas disease, which can cause heart failure and other serious health problems.
- Assassin Caterpillar: The larval stage of the giant silkworm moth, this caterpillar is known as the world’s deadliest.
- Fire Ant: A bite from a fire ant can be incredibly painful and cause a burning sensation, and for people who are allergic to the venom in fire ants, a bite could be deadly.
- Asian Giant Hornet: These hornets, which are native to Eastern Asia, can grow to be up to 2 inches long with a stinger of 1/4 inch in length. Their venom is known for being particularly potent – one sting could kill a human with an allergy and enough of it could kill a human without one.
- Deer Tick: Deer ticks are found in many parts of the U.S. and can pose the threat of Lyme Disease. Once a person is infected with Lyme Disease, they experience symptoms that start with a rash and fever and if not treated quickly, get progressively worse (and include joint and heart problems) .
- Blister Beetle: This beetle has the potential to be deadly to humans, but in reality, is not, as you would have to eat quite a few of them. What they are more likely to kill are horses, as they can get mixed up into the hay or alfalfa they eat.