what is the derivative of ln x

what is the derivative of ln x

1 year ago 44

The derivative of ln x is 1/x. This means that if y = ln x, then dy/dx = 1/x. This can be proven using the definition of the derivative or by using implicit differentiation. It is important to note that ln x is a natural logarithmic function, meaning it is the logarithm with base e. When finding the derivative of ln x, it is also important to remember the following points:

  • The derivative of ln x is 1/x.
  • In certain situations, the laws of logarithms can be applied to the function first, and then take the derivative.
  • If the function inside the natural logarithm is not simply ln x, the chain rule must be used.

Examples of finding the derivative of ln x can be found in the search results.

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