The dreadful oracle that was delivered to King Acrisius was that his daughter, Danae, would bear a son and that his grandson would be the cause of his death. This led King Acrisius to lock his daughter Danae in a tower to prevent her from having children. However, Zeus, the king of the gods, fell in love with Danae and visited her in the tower in the form of a golden shower. Danae became pregnant, and she gave birth to Perseus. King Acrisius was furious when he learned that Danae had given birth to a son. He placed Danae and Perseus in a wooden chest and cast them into the sea. However, the chest was washed ashore on the island of Seriphos, where Danae and Perseus were rescued by a fisherman. One of the events in the games was a discus throw. Perseus was a skilled athlete, and he easily won the event. However, as he threw the discus, it accidentally hit Acrisius in the head, killing him. The oracle had come to pass, and King Acrisius was killed by his own grandson. However, Perseus was not to blame for his grandfathers death. It was simply fate.