what is the exchange rate of dirham to ugandan shillings

what is the exchange rate of dirham to ugandan shillings

1 year ago 37

As of October 26, 2023, the exchange rate of United Arab Emirates dirham (AED) to Ugandan shillings (UGX) is 1 AED = 1,025.876249 UGX. Other search results also show similar exchange rates, with slight variations due to fluctuations in the currency market. For example, one search result shows that 1 AED = 1,025.05000 UGX, while another shows that 1 AED = 1,025.19 UGX. It is important to note that exchange rates can change frequently due to various factors such as economic conditions, political events, and market demand. Therefore, it is recommended to check the current exchange rate before making any currency conversions.

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