what is the first aid for snake bite

what is the first aid for snake bite

1 year ago 41

If someone is bitten by a snake, it is important to provide emergency care as soon as possible. Here are the steps to follow for first aid for snake bites:

  1. Move away from the snake and ensure that the person stays calm.
  2. Call for emergency medical help immediately (dial 911 or your local emergency number).
  3. Apply a pressure immobilization bandage over the bite itself. The bandage should be tight, but not too tight that you cannot slide a finger between the bandage and the skin.
  4. Keep the bitten area still and lower than the heart.
  5. Remove any jewelry, watches, or tight clothing before swelling starts.
  6. Cover the bite with a clean, dry dressing.
  7. Wash the bite with soap and water.
  8. Try to remember the snakes appearance, size, and type if possible, as this can help with treatment.
  9. Seek medical attention as soon as possible, as antivenom is the treatment for serious snake envenomation.
  10. Do not apply a tourniquet, cut the wound, or try to suck out the venom.
  11. Do not wait for symptoms to appear if bitten, get medical help right away.

It is important to note that traditional medicines and other treatments such as wound incision or excision, suction, or application of "black stones" should be avoided.

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