what is the full form of ceo

what is the full form of ceo

1 year ago 34

The full form of CEO is Chief Executive Officer. The CEO is the head of any corporate organization, public, private or non-governmental sectors, and holds the highest position within organizations, spanning corporate, public, private, and non-governmental sectors. The CEO is responsible for directing management and operations, and is answerable to the Board of Directors and Chairman. The CEOs primary objective is to create value for stakeholders and shareholders. The CEO is ultimately responsible for the companys success or failure and oversees its various functions, including operations, finance, marketing, sales, human resources, legal, compliance, and technology, while balancing the needs of employees, customers, investors, and other stakeholders. The CEO is the person who has the overall responsibility of leading the organization by providing vision, creating, planning, and implementing strategic decisions towards achieving the common objectives and generating wealth for respective stakeholders.

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