PG has multiple full forms depending on the context in which it is used. Here are the most common full forms of PG:
Parental Guidance: PG is an abbreviation for "Parental Guidance" which is a rating assigned to a movie by the Motion Picture Association indicating that children of all ages may attend but that some material may be deemed unsuitable and parents should exercise discretion.
Postgraduate: PG stands for "Postgraduate" which refers to the second level of higher education that a student can pursue after completing their undergraduate program. Postgraduate programs include master’s degrees, PhDs, and other advanced degrees in various fields.
Paying Guest: PG refers to a person who lives in another persons home and pays for the stay, food, laundry, and other facilities provided by the owner. PG is different from a tenant as the latter only pays for the accommodation or space, while the rest of the things like food, furniture have to be arranged by the tenant.
In summary, PG can stand for Parental Guidance, Postgraduate, or Paying Guest depending on the context.