The full form of USB is Universal Serial Bus. It is an industry standard used to define the cables, connectors, and communication protocols used in a bus for connection, communication, and power supply between computers and electronic devices. USB was designed to simplify the work and make the user comfortable connecting external devices to a computer. It was developed in 1994 by a group of seven companies, including Microsoft, Compaq, Intel, Nortel, DEC, IBM, and NEC. USB reduces the workload to serve the function of transferring data and electrical power supply between different peripheral gadgets such as mouse, printers, digital cameras, keyboards, scanners, flash drives, and external hard drives. USB is an industry-standard that establishes specifications for connectors, cables, and protocols for communication, connection, and power supply between personal computers and their peripheral devices. There are different sizes of USB devices available, including micro, mini, and standard size USB.