what is the grave key on a keyboard

what is the grave key on a keyboard

1 year ago 151

The grave key is a key on the keyboard that is usually located above the Tab key and below the Esc key. It is also known as the back-tick (`) key. The function of the grave key can vary depending on the software or operating system being used. Here are some examples:

  • In Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, pressing the grave key while hovering over any part of the interface blows it up to full-screen size.
  • In Unity, a desktop environment for Ubuntu, the Alt+Grave keyboard shortcut can be used to switch windows of the current application.
  • In Divinity: Original Sin 2, a video game, the grave key is used to open the developer console.
  • In Final Cut Pro X, a video editing software for Mac, pressing the grave key while operating on clips on the primary timeline can activate a new feature.
  • The grave key can also be used to type characters with grave accent marks on any keyboard. On a Mac, you can hold the Option key and press the grave key to accent a letter. On Windows, you can use the Alt code Alt+96 for the grave accent and Alt+126 for the tilde.
  • In some cases, the grave key can be used to switch between keyboard languages. For example, in Windows, pressing the grave key can switch between English and French keyboards.

In summary, the function of the grave key can vary depending on the software or operating system being used, but it is generally located above the Tab key and below the Esc key on most keyboards.

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