what is the great solar flash

what is the great solar flash

1 year ago 81

The term "Great Solar Flash" appears to be a concept that is not widely recognized in the scientific community. However, there are a few references to it in popular culture and online forums. Here are some of the things that have been associated with the term:

  • Energy increase on the planet: According to a YouTube video, the Great Solar Flash is said to be related to the energy increasing on the planet.

  • Aurora Borealis & Australis: According to a review on Amazon, the Solar Flash will produce the Aurora Borealis & Australis when the Sun appears directly over Earths equator in March-April & September-October.

  • The Rapture or Soul Harvest or Armageddon or Judgement Day or Samvartaka Fire: According to a forum post on Ancient Origins, the coming Solar Flash Event is the Rapture or Soul Harvest or Armageddon or Judgement Day or Samvartaka Fire that all religions have talked about.

  • A giant solar flare: According to an article on Big Think, a giant solar flare is inevitable, and humanity is completely unprepared for it. The article discusses the Carrington Event of 1859, which was a massive solar flare that caused auroras to be visible worldwide and disrupted telegraph systems. The article notes that a similar event today could cause widespread power outages and other disruptions.

In summary, the Great Solar Flash appears to be a concept that is not widely recognized in the scientific community. While there are some references to it in popular culture and online forums, it is not clear what it refers to specifically. However, there is a real risk of solar flares causing disruptions to our power systems, as demonstrated by the Carrington Event of 1859.

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