what is the height of mount everest

what is the height of mount everest

1 year ago 45

The height of Mount Everest is 8,848.86 meters (29,031.69 feet) above sea level, according to the most recent measurement jointly declared by China and Nepal in December 2020. This measurement was derived from data from surveys performed by Nepal in 2019 and China in 2020 that utilized GPS and BeiDou navigation technology and laser theodolites, and was accepted by various specialists in the fields of geodesy and cartography, including the National Geographic Society. It is important to note that this measurement refers to the snow height of Mount Everest, which is the height of the mountain including the snow and ice covering it. The rock height of Mount Everest, which is the height of the mountain excluding the snow and ice, is 8,844 meters (29,017 feet) according to Chinas measurement. However, both China and Nepal agreed in 2010 to recognize the validity of both the rock height and the snow height, and to recognize the height of Everest as 8,848 meters.

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