what is the indian method

what is the indian method

1 year ago 56

The term "Young Indian Method" refers to an alleged business method in which entrepreneurs use cheap, young labor from India and then brag about exploiting them on TikTok akin to Hustle Culture content. It is unclear whether the content is mostly earnest or ironic. The phrase was coined by a TikToker and YouTuber named EnardEcom who originally went viral on TikTok in July 2023. The basis of the Young Indian Method is hiring young laborers from India to work remotely for ones company. Due to differing exchange rates, a foreign employer could hypothetically pay an Indian employee less money for their work, therefore making the employer richer in comparison to ones that hire more expensive American and European employees. However, it is important to note that the Young Indian Method is controversial and flirts with sheer exploitation.

It is worth mentioning that there is another Indian method called "Vedic math" which is an ancient system of mathematics that originated in India in the mid-1800s. It involves 16 core formulas, or "sutras," that make up the system. Some western math educators criticize Vedic math for being "math tricks," but proponents argue that it is more like an aptitude and helps students solve problems faster.

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